AUI was invited by Fluor-Lane, LLC to provide trenchless boring of pipe for the Interstate 495 HOT Lanes in VA Project. The nearly $2 billion public-private Capital Beltway HOT Lanes Project has the most significant package of improvements to I-495 in a generation. The project is immense, spanning 5 years and 14 miles of gridlocked Beltway.
We provided trenchless services and one of the bores we performed was a split bore under the Beltway. Working out in both directions, AUI crossed below four lanes of southbound and four lanes of northbound traffic from a pit located in median. We installed 288 linear feet of 36-inch steel encasement pipe for 18″ reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) storm sewer.
Each bore offers a unique challenge and during this demanding 288′ bore, we went through a variety of soils including hard shale, quartz veins, hard clay, and then very wet soil and road fill. De-watering of the boring pit was a constant issue with the low end of the pit below the water table and an existing leaking storm sewer running parallel to the bore path. We thrive on meeting demands like this on each job we perform and AUI successfully completed this project on time and on budget.
Additional information on AUI and The HOT Lanes Project:
- Contract Value: $1.6 million
- Start Date: February 2009
- 95% completion at present
- Currently on schedule
- Bored in a total of 2,200 linear feet of steel casing & RCP for storm sewers
- 36″ steel encasement pipe with 18″ RCP threaded & blocked inside: 1,304 linear feet
- 42″ steel encasement pipe with 24″ RCP threaded & blocked inside: 344 linear feet
- 48″ steel encasement pipe with 30″ RCP threaded & blocked inside: 546 linear feet